Thursday, August 3, 2023

Science worksheet for grade 2

 Science Worksheet for Grade 2

1. Animals and Their Habitats: Match the animals with their respective habitats:

a) Polar Bear b) Fish c) Lion d) Butterfly


  1. Ocean
  2. Jungle
  3. Arctic
  4. Garden

2. Plant Parts: Label the parts of a plant using the words below:

Roots, Stem, Leaves, Flower

[Image: A simple plant without labels]

3. States of Water: Fill in the blanks with the correct states of water:

a) Water is in the _____ state when it is a solid, like ice. b) When water boils, it changes to the _____ state, forming steam. c) Water is in the _____ state when it is a liquid, like in a river.

4. Parts of the Body: Identify the following body parts:

a) The part of your face that helps you see: ______________ b) The part of your body that you use to taste food: ______________ c) The part of your hand that you use to write: ______________

5. Five Senses: Match the sense organ with the corresponding sense:

a) Eyes b) Ears c) Nose d) Tongue e) Skin


  1. Smell
  2. Taste
  3. Sight
  4. Touch
  5. Hearing

6. Day and Night: Draw and label a picture to show why we have day and night on Earth.

7. Healthy Habits: List three healthy habits you should follow to stay fit and strong.

8. Living and Non-living: Identify whether the following things are living or non-living:

a) Tree b) Rock c) Bird d) Bicycle

9. Seasons: Write the names of the four seasons in the correct order.

10. Parts of an Insect: Label the parts of an insect using the words below:

Head, Antennae, Wings, Legs, Abdomen

[Image: An insect without labels]

Remember to do your best and take your time. If you're not sure about an answer, give it your best guess! Good luck with your science worksheet!

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