Wednesday, August 2, 2023

grade 1 Math worksheet

 Name:_______________________ Date:____________________

Grade 1 Math Worksheet

1. Counting:

Count the objects and write the correct number.

  • 🍎🍎🍎🍎 ----> ____

  • 🚗🚗🚗🚗🚗 ----> ____

  • 📚📚 ----> ____

  • 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 ----> ____

  • 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶 ----> ____

2. Addition:

Solve the addition problems.

  • 3 + 2 = ____

  • 4 + 1 = ____

  • 2 + 2 = ____

  • 5 + 3 = ____

  • 1 + 6 = ____

3. Subtraction:

Solve the subtraction problems.

  • 5 - 2 = ____

  • 4 - 1 = ____

  • 6 - 3 = ____

  • 7 - 4 = ____

  • 8 - 2 = ____

4. Shapes:

Identify the shapes and color them.

  • Circle ▢

  • Square ▢

  • Triangle ▢

  • Rectangle ▢

  • Oval ▢

5. Comparing Numbers:

Compare the numbers using the symbols <, >, or =.

  • 4 __ 2

  • 5 __ 5

  • 3 __ 6

  • 7 __ 8

  • 2 __ 2

Bonus Question:

6. Draw:

Draw a picture of your favorite animal and write its name below.

Animal: _______________

Great Job!

Remember to take your time and do your best. You can ask your teacher or parents for help if you need it.

Note to Parents/Guardians: Encourage your child to complete this worksheet with enthusiasm and patience. This worksheet aims to reinforce basic math skills such as counting, addition, subtraction, and shape recognition.

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