Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Our Body-worksheet (grade 1)

 Name:_______________________ Date:____________________

Label the Parts of the Human Body

  1. Draw a line from the word to the correct part of the body.

    Head ----> ________________

    Arm ----> ________________

    Leg ----> ________________

    Eye ----> ________________

    Ear ----> ________________

    Mouth ----> ________________

    Nose ----> ________________

    Hand ----> ________________

  2. Color the body parts:

    • Head: ________________

    • Arms: ________________

    • Legs: ________________

    • Eyes: ________________

    • Ears: ________________

    • Mouth: ________________

    • Nose: ________________

    • Hands: ________________

  3. Complete the sentences:

    • We use our __________ to see things.

    • We use our __________ to listen to sounds.

    • We use our __________ to smell different scents.

    • We use our __________ to eat and talk.

    • We use our __________ to walk, run, and jump.

  4. True or False: Circle the correct answer.

    • The human body has only one eye. True / False

    • We use our legs to hear sounds. True / False

    • We use our hands to write and pick up things. True / False

  5. Draw your friend's body parts and label them.

Bonus Question:

  1. What is the largest organ in the human body? _______________

Color the Human Body

Color the picture of the human body using your favorite colors.

[A simple outline drawing of a human body]

Remember to take care of your body by eating healthy food, getting enough rest, and staying active with exercise!

Note to Parents/Guardians: Encourage your child to complete this worksheet with creativity and accuracy. Feel free to assist them if needed. This worksheet aims to help children understand and recognize different body parts and their functions.

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